Tip #1014: What Do Volunteers Need?

It can be difficult today for nonprofit organizations to attract and retain volunteers. Besides work, family, and social obligations, volunteers have many nonprofit options to choose from.

So, what do volunteers need so they want to join and stay with a nonprofit?

  1. Belief in the Mission: Volunteers need to believe in the mission and goals of the nonprofit.
  2. Flexibility and Autonomy: Volunteers need to be able to choose their hours and duties based on their availability and interests.
  3. Meaningful Work: Volunteers need to feel that their work is making a difference and that the work they are asked to do aligns with their values and interests.
  4. Clear Communication: Volunteers need for their role, responsibilities, and performance expectations to be clearly defined and communicated.
  5. Training and Support: Volunteers need sufficient training, so they are able to perform their duties and feel their time is being used effectively.
  6. Coaching Feedback: Volunteers need to receive timely and ongoing constructive feedback to ensure and validate that they are on the right track.
  7. Recognition and Appreciation: Volunteers need to have their contributions frequently acknowledged.
  8. Social Connections: Volunteers need to have opportunities to connect with each other and with staff, so they feel a sense of belonging to a supportive community.

P.S. If you are a volunteer in a nonprofit, which need(s) are foremost for you?

May your learning be sweet,


#nonprofits #volunteers #volunteermanagement #humanresources #laurelandassociates #trainingdirectors #nonprofitmanagement

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